Day 6 - April 20, 2024
A beautiful day temperature wise, Rex and I enjoyed a morning stroll in the neighborhood. This is our regular routine, however, today the neighborhood was having their seasonal yard sale. Several people were selling their goods and had opened up ready for the day to begin while we were on our walk. Rex got lots of extra love and attention -he soaked it all up!
Arnie, thankfully, is feeling much better. I have been continuing to soak and warm his food in/with chicken broth in hopes to aid the digestion process. I added a 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable oil to his food for his lunch yesterday as well. When he has thrown up, there have been small hairballs. The oil was in an effort to help him pass them rather than throw up. He is doing great. He’s eaten solidly (and hungrily!) since we texted. I’m continuing to soak his food, and feed him in increments. He has also taken in some treats and has kept them down just fine.
Pippa is such a sweetie, too. When I sit on the floor, she comes running! She loves being around and I love having her! She’s become a fixture when I interpret remotely. It’s as if my sitting in my work chair is a signal that it’s “go time” and she jumps right up into my lap.
Everything else is going smoothly with the homestead - no issues at all. Today was very windy, but nothing to note.
Day 5 - April 19, 2024
Another beautiful day in the neighborhood, and we had a great outing this afternoon! This morning was an early workday for me, so walks and breakfast came before 8am. Pippa and Rex continue to want to be near at all times. Pippa actually made an appearance on a few of my Zoom meetings! She figured out that if she remained ‘low’ enough (and out of camera range) she was allowed to stay on my lap. Rex just needed to know I was nearby and he basically slept through my entire morning meeting.
Then, in the afternoon, I took Rex to the Rose Garden and we went for a walk with my mom. He was thrilled to be in a new place and loved the walk. He was also so well behaved in the car - a perfect gentleman. The walk really wore him out so he napped for a few hours after we returned, and then we went for 2 more walks before calling it a night.
Arnie must have eaten something that upset his stomach. He threw up after eating a few bites of the evening dry food. I thought it was a hairball (It seemed to be) but then he threw up 2 more times, and it was thoroughly digested food - it looked like his lunch-time meal. I checked in on him, he just wanted to be left alone (understandably). He is otherwise fine and acting like he’s hungry, so I’m not too concerned. He just came by my office set up for attention, and willingly accepted (dare I say demanded) more pets! In other good news, Pippa has not sneezed since I’ve been here!
Day 4 - April 18, 2024
We’ve finally started settling into a routine. Mornings Rex is let out first thing in the backyard, and then everyone enjoys the first meal of the day. I’ve developed an imperfect system, but it’s working. Everyone has their designated eating spot, and Pippa actually joined for the first time! Once the ‘threat’ of Rex getting their food (or to them) is gone, both Arnie and Pippa felt more comfortable eating.
I’m making sure to dedicate one on one time with each of them. Everyone is getting plenty of love and scritches!
At bedtime, Rex gets his bone with a little peanut butter, which helps him settle down. Pippa will join a little later, and then some time in the wee hours Arnie will hop on the bed as well. Unfortunately, my restless sleep patterns don’t encourage them to stay. I don’t realize Arnie has come on the bed until I move and accidentally bump into him, causing him to jump off and go elsewhere.
Day 3 - April 17, 2024
I set up a work space in the office so I could interpret remotely. It worked out well, and again, so much help from the four-leggeds. Arnie, for the most part, keeps to himself but likes to be right on the periphery of what’s going on. Pippa, as you can see, likes to take advantage of extra-long lap space. Rex lets me know when he wants even more attention.
I’ve been walking Rex every 2 hours or so. I let him lead the direction and then gently guide him when he gets fixated on one spot.
I started to feed Arnie on top of the wall divider, which seems to be working well. Rex can’t get to it and he appreciates eating in peace. Pippa, however, has not been eating well. When I’ve either put Rex out or had him on leash while I’ve fed the cats, she will wait for the food to be put down but then run away. I’ve fed her separately, sitting with her upstairs either in the main bedroom or guest room where I’m staying. I added a little of that cheese she loves to much, but still won’t take it in readily. Today I warmed her midday meal and that was taken in a bit more voraciously. She is eating, she is on a different schedule and pace than the others so requires special attention, which I’m happy to give her.
Arnie’s eyes have been watering, too, so I’m going to use some warm water to cleanse and soothe the area. If there’s something else that needs to be done, or if this is normal, please let me know!
I had an evening job that ended at 9:30pm, so Rex and I went out after that for a short walk in the neighborhood. There was a little chill in the air, so we went along at a brisk clip. He has started to pick up his pace each time we go for a walk!
Pippa has slept with me every night. Unfortunately, I’m not the best at keeping still. She starts between my calves and at some point in the evening moves up to the pillow next to my head.
Day 2 - April 16, 2024
The day began with an early start! We were tuckered out after the excitement of our first day together. That led to going to bed early, so while we slept well, we were up before dawn! It was all well and good. Rex went out for his morning constitutional while I prepped breakfast for Pippa and Arnie. If Rex is distracted he won’t go after the cats’ food, so I’ve taken to feeding them at the same time, keeping a watchful eye on all three.
An uneventful day for the most part. Both Arnie and Pippa were outstandingly helpful in completing my admin work. Rex’s soft snoring created a peaceful ambiance set alongside our “Music for Writing” playlist selection
All three got lots of love and attention, and Rex enjoyed several walks along different routes in the neighborhood. Bedtime was very sweet time! Everyone wanted to be together.
Day 1 - April 15, 2024
As can be expected, all animals (myself included) took a little time getting used to our new arrangement. Rex ran to the windows after the car pulled out of the driveway and started to cry. I have a playlist for anxious dogs that I started. I then called him over and we sat together on the floor for a while. He relaxed for a bit, and then started to look out the windows anxiously again. I decided to change the atmosphere and we went outside to enjoy the beautiful day.
We came back in after about 30 minutes and I gave him a treat.
Pippa had come by almost immediately once the car pulled out of the driveway. This ‘shy’ cat shed any assemblance of timidity and proceeded to roll around right next to me on the floor. Arnie, was a peach through it all, rolling with whatever came up. He got his fair share of scritches, too
I took Rex out 2 more times for a walk, combining fresh air and exercise with the knowledge that a change of scenery would do wonders for any residual anxiety.
Bedtime came and I put Rex’s bed next to the head of mine. Pippa came up and snuggled in for the night.